““To find yourself, think for yourself.” ”
Communicate - Connect Challenge - Corporate
“I help build connectivity, generate linkages, promote reflection, provide thoughtful challenge and provoke change.”
My 20+ years of experience working with corporate sector clients shapes my coaching. I bring to the table the following:
Deep technical skill and subject matter expertise in strategic communications,
Corporate experience in reputation building and relationship management in developing countries,
Comprehensive understanding of including external risks into business strategy,
A disposition to multi-disciplinary, analytical thinking and an independent perspective. Technical environments do not faze me.
I have extensive experience in advising and supporting senior executives through my corporate and consulting work
Professional Highlights
Entrepreneur on Strategic and Leadership Communications Consultancy (9 years and counting!)
Corporate Trainer on Leadership Communications and Influence (over 100 clients trained in the last 5 years)
Director, Corporate Responsibility, BP Headquarters
VP Communications and External Affairs, BP Trinidad & Tobago
Writer for the Economist Intelligence Unit
Government Relations Analyst, BP Trinidad & Tobago
I am an unabashed generalist and fiercely independent.
This corporate experience is shaped by a multidisciplinary academic background. I am the holder of a BSc Government, MSc Development Studies and MBA from the University of the West Indies and an MPhil Sociology and Politics of Development from the University of Cambridge.
Advanced Coaching: Coaching and Diversity Sheldon Daniel and Anne Scoular, FT Guide to Business Coaching (2 nd Edition) by Anne Scoular Chapter 8. September 2020.
“Diversity in Coaching: Opportunities and Challenges” Lizzie Cho, Sheldon Daniel, Peter Kilner in The Trainee Coach Handbook Edited by Mary Watts, Robert Bor and Ian Florance. November 2020.