““Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple and it is also that difficult .” ”
I believe in the powerful and positive effect that corporations have on the world. There are two factors that frame how I approach my coaching:
I am not blind to the downsides - the toxicity can pervade in the individual experience within such corporations.
Leaders operate at such a pace that they can have limited time and space to have an independent or external view on the ongoing challenges that they might face.
There are four main tenets that inform my view of leadership, shaped by my experience:
Leadership can be lonely
The higher you climb, the less ‘safe space’ you have to express doubt, rehearse half baked ideas, share vulnerability and admit fears. There is also less time to ‘hear your thoughts’. A coach allows you ‘safe space’ with someone who is totally committed to you and your agenda - no judgement, no distraction and hopefully no BS!
Powerful leaders embrace their humanity - and of those who work with them
I will make no apologies for seeking to make the corporate space a place where people are able to freely and fully live to their capability. I am practical and I know what big corporate cultures can be like. But I am also hopeful that most people want to work in an emotionally healthy environment. I want to focus my energies on making this a reality.
Communications play an important part in corporate leadership
Virtually all of what a leader does involves communication. A key part of successful leadership is the mastery of personal communication style. This is a learnt skill - to use your natural style in a way that allows you to be engaging, persuasive and influential - even memorable. Developing strategies for impactful engagement is a foundation leadership skill.
Leaders work hard to know themselves
I am a firm believer that the more we are aware of our pre-dispositions, predilections and purpose - the more we can decide how we want to be, what we want to say and how we want people to feel when they interact with us. You have a choice - make informed choices in your leadership.