“There’s one thing I’m really good at, and that’s hitting the ball over a net, in a box. I’m excellent.”
— Serena Williams

In the quote above, tennis great Serena Williams is explicit that she know what she is good at - and she has excelled that particular skill.

Executive Coaching will help you become more powerful by making you aware of your core self(s) and drivers. As thorny issues emerge, you will be most powerful if you act consistent with your purpose and your values.

A good coach should enable you to identify this purpose and core values and help you choose to live and work aligned with that purpose - and to your strenghts.


clarify ideas,

sounding board,

test new directions,

listen without judgement

My view of coaching

My coaching credo is that listening deeply to different voices is the essence of engaging leadership, and I seek to unlock that gift both for - and in - my clients.

I am convinced of the need for leaders with a quiet and calm presence, thoughtful reflective style along with a healthy self-effacing disposition… all with a dose of joy, humour and creativity.

As a coach, I offer support to an executive in 3 different ways.

Safe Space to think

Through deep listening, a coach offers an external ear that an executive can share challenges, frustrations and bounce ideas without fear that these sometimes-unformed ideas and personal opinions will quickly filter through the office grapevine. 

Rehearsal Room

As a coach I help the executive to "practise” that difficult conversation they need to have with a team or an individual, role-play the delivery of the tough presentation or work to manage the stress felt during a press conference.  

Independent, diverse view

I bring a “different” perspective drawn from a wide geography and across diverse sectors. This is combined with a flexible style that can be direct, humorous, engaged, creative, empathetic - but always listening.


What can you expect from my coaching sessions?

Every client and coaching engagement is different — each will be customised to your specific need. However, there are certain aspects that will shape my coaching sessions: These are:

  • Goal-focused - We will work together to ensure that the arc of the overall engagement is agreed and each session helps progress towards those stated outcomes.

  • Embedded in reality - As much as possible, we will work to make the issues covered in sessions relevant to your current challenges and reality. We will not be speaking in either hypotheticals or complex theoretical models.

  • Appropriately challenging — The intention is to help your awareness of self by offering challenge to underlying assumptions, assertions and your accepted “ways of being”. These will be done always with the intent of bringing to your conciousness the filters that shape how you see, and interact with others.

  • Guiding hand — Where appropriate, we will work to co-create solutions, consider how mentoring might be valuable within the sessions and consider options for action together. You will allows be in control of the nature of the help you need.


My Approach - Eclectic Pragmatist with a generalist’s insight

My full set of expertise and experience informs my approach to coaching and the way I connect with my clients. My professional experience revolves around corporate environments - primarily multi-national corporations. I was born in Trinidad and Tobago but have worked and lived in different countries for the majority of my adult life.

I draw on an elective set of approaches that include psychometric tests, elements of positive and cognitive psychology, mindfulness and emotional intelligence. 

Where appropriate, we will use creativity to help explore issues, and these can include visualisations, role play, film and drawing. We will work to shape solutions that are more pragmatic and relevant to you as a client. 

I am a graduate of Meyler Campbell programme which is accredited to the Association of Coaching. 

Affiliate Member, IOC, at McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School affiliate

Hogan Assessment Certified - qualified to use the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), Hogan Development Survey (HDS) and Motives Values Preferences Inventory (MVPI) - for individuals and groups.